Roleplay Rules
Thrall & Pet Rules
Dice Rules
Ticket Guide
 General Rules
Zero Tolerance Discrimination Community Three strikes rule keeps our community safe and fun. If any of these rules are broken and our team contacts the player about any rule that has been broken, you will get a warning. After that 3rd warning is issued an explanation of permanent ban will be given. Bans will be made public. Derogatory comments, hate speech, misogyny, and any ass-hatery is not acceptable in this community. NO CONVERSATIONS ABOUT POLITICS, RELIGIOUS BELIEFS, OR AFFILIATION. Offenders of unnecessary drama (OOC & IC) will receive an official warning.
The Staff Team Have Final Say Admins have final say on any decision or rulings that are made to protect the members of the community. Although constructive criticism is welcome, once the decision is made, it will stay in place. If you are caught ignoring an admin and are active in game, this can result in a permanent ban.
Adult Content - 18+ Age Requirement You must be at least 18 years of age to play on “The Grim Descent RP” server. If you are not, please leave or you will be permanently banned!
Discord Membership Required Discord membership is mandatory to play on this server. Leaving Discord means that you no longer wish to play on the server. Your build and character will be deleted.
Consent Sheets A consent sheet is required to be posted in #icpermissions in order to play on this server. We use mirrored consents. This means that if you play a slaver wandering the Exiled Lands to enslave others, you also consent to be taken captive should you face a reversal of fortune. Realistic consequences are discussed according to the events that unfolded and according to consent. Though in all cases, please communicate with the roleplayer before engaging in forceful content. In the end… No means No.
Consent Sheets (FORMAT) Character Name: Name Consent to Consensual ERP: Yes or No Consent to Forced ERP: Yes or No Consent to Collar/Ownership/Slavery: Yes (If rp leads to it.) or No Consent to Torture: Yes (If rp leads to it) or No Consent to Capture on Sight: Yes (ask first.) or No Suggestion: I am open to most things but asking is always the best policy. I confirm that I have read the rules posted on the website. I confirm that my character name matches my discord name. I CONFIRM THAT I AM 18 OR OLDER.
Everyone MUST Be In A Clan Solo characters must either make their own solo clan (name must reflect their own character name) or join another clan.
Public Display Public acts of arguing or the display of nsfw content (text and imagery) that is not in the nsfw chat, are not tolerated on this server. Any signs of public arguing will be documented by staff and held by all guilty players as a token against their warning allowance. Don't engage in gaslighting situations, take personal disagreements to DMs. Discussions are different than arguing.
Spamming & Unsafe Downloads Do not spam or send links to members for downloads. Reported incidents will be investigated by our tech team and if it is indeed harmful an immediate ban will follow. To stay safe, never download or click any unknown links from members of any kind. Unsure? Send our Tech Support a ticket.
Recruiting Other Servers Please do not advertise or poach other members to join another Conan Exiles private server. When speaking within our server please keep all information regarding Grim Descent content inside our community. If anyone is poached via DMs and it is unwanted please report this to our Staff Team via submitting a ticket.
Game Exploits Exploiting any glitch that gains you a substantial unfair advantage against other players or using the elements of the game system in a manner not intended by the game's designer will follow an immediate ban.
Be Considerate With Bosses Rare spawns or locations when farming to avoid camping. Make rounds instead of camping in a single boss/location. Be mindful of the auto-kill feature when farming for thralls.
Abandoned Placeables Please clean up placeables left outside your base for RP as well as bathmats (bedrolls) left around the world. Pick up when done.
Content is available under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, by The Grim Descent. 2023 Design by: The Grinch!